Tuesday, April 22, 2008

tropic of cancers

These are thoughts that popped into my head throughout the day of sunday.

I really don't let strokish boys from home bother me that much. If anything they provide endless comedy from me. I know that all these jockish winners amount to nothing more then washed up, overweight barfly hollow versions of their former self's. Run up that tab boys, cheers to you!

My equivalent to being sea sick, or just having that dreadful feeling of melancholy and depression sinking is being on the highway for too long. Im sure sailors used to become depressed and tired of being at sea, away from loved ones, with nothing but miles of blue surrounding them.

I get that feeling to when I drive long periods of time. The drive to st. louis or florida are prime examples.

right now i have a thorn in my side, nagging me and constantly souring my mood.

how much would your life had to have sucked to be reincarnated as a cow? just sitting all day, eating grass until your killed to clog some fat kids arteries.

Ballsacks and weeners.

i am slowly slipping into a state of complacency, and im dreading it. i need to break these chains of acceptance, and strive for better.

complacency sucks dick.

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