Friday, July 20, 2007

but you dont understand

Here's another boring prose/poem thing that i wrote in my down time... i have alot of down time. is it supposed to make sense? yes! will anyone ever grasp the symbolism or meaning ?

Probably not!

Goodnight to you, and sleep tight Panama.

Ode To You Angelina.

you are a lover.

and i shall deadlock you.

if you come with me to outer space

itll leave your landlocked blues behind

and it doesnt matter if you dont beleive it.

just take the time, to sit and think things through.

you'll know what to do

and i dont care as long as much as you scatter through my brain

space space space space s pace s p ace s p a ce s p a c e s p a c e s xxxxxxx

promise though, that if you ever decide to discard me

atleast give me the honor of seeing you off

would a kiss kill

that much?

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