Saturday, June 16, 2007

random things racing through my head

stuff i thought of and wrote down


he said i was cute

yeah if you like long faced corn monsters

i wanna sit with you and watch commercials that are posh

like lexus and mercedes

and actually be able to joke about buying one

in an apartment overlooking the city

a sunny day on the beach

you and him cross paths, him on foot, you sitting.

he looks at her, his smile slowly erupting.

he makes his way over to her

your wearing a white sweater vest, with a white undershirt, and white pants. you hope you look radiant, and you are second guessing if your smiling is too shit eatting

they exchange akward glances, and he begins to speak

we dont hear the words

you cant beleive what he just said. sleaze of the year and suddenly that budding moustache underneath his nose, looks like a telling sign of his sleaziness.

hey, uhm, i got a house off the beach, how about you me, some wine coolers and my bedroom.... we'll watch a movie

she smiles politley and begins to speak, her lie fabricated, ready to be layed in its delicate wrapper

ive waited all this time, i think we should have more then a few minutes

but shes all ready gone, managing to slip out

he closed his eyes for what seemed to be a few moments

great, whys he not opening his eyes?

she left

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