Monday, March 12, 2007

I'll Take One Quarter Pounder, Please.

I might get a dog.

Oh god that'd eb sweet. Id train that mofo to attack.

Well people I don't like anyways. I'd train it to, I would.

Then I'd equip it with a jet pack, and possibly lasers.


We could go on a series of misfortunate adventures.

Maybe, I could teach it to jet-pack into peoples homes and laser thier faces off.

But only the people who make the same 5 goddamn myspace bulletins every day begging people to comment on thier hideous ass pictures that no one wants to look at in the first place.

That's the ticket.

1 comment:

kieree said...

haha i had to comment, this made me lol too much becaus ei could just see a boxer... with you hovering on some kind of evil mastermind hover machine saying ... go ahead hendrix.. ATTACK! ... and don't forget to steal their food!