Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I Fuel The Fire, Gustavo Is My Neighbor.

I am reincarnate.

Letter From Rudalfo Villalobos, Concerning The Shrubbery.

My heart is caving in.
With each passing day. And with every gray sky.
My heart is caving in.

Shallow conclaves full of shallow shadows

and inside my heart is a voice.
That echoes off the shape of my past experiences
telling me to hang on.
But I cannot and will not and shall not listen
but i will do what i want though
my heart tells me what i need.

with every sky corrupted by smoke
and towers blending in amongst the Stars
with custom i ignore such offenses
and in my heart, i regress.

each tower is a reason to leave, Gustavo.
leave, leave leave.
lights glowing in heart beat unison
phonetically letting me know.
it's awake.
and among us to stay.

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