Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The restraining order says no no, but her eyes say yes yes.

I haven't bitched in a long time, so I might as well do it now.

The fake gangsters in this town make me sick. Sick to the point of vomiting on myself, and others.


I guess I missed the memo. I guess the shittier the car you drive, and the more you cock your hat to the side, the more gangster you are.

Fuck that. This is fucking Joliet. J-O-L-I-E-T. We just got a new baseball statdium. We have a catholic school that wins football titles. We are suburban

The kids I know that act gangster make it worse. What the fuck are you going to do, cruise Black road and stare at the old people that are driving in thier mini-vans? Are you going to chill at McDonalds and toss out mean looks?

Seriously fake gangster kids, kill yourself.

Any fine girls want to play Battleship this weekend?

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