Saturday, February 24, 2007

Let's spend a weekend on the moon babe.

(This is actually a work in progress, I feel like I can fix it up, to make it better. But until then, enjoy these WTF' proses, because, well they suck. But i try!)


I want to touch your inner self,
See You. Vibrant as the ocean
to lay with you, worry free.
to help myself, to feast upon your complexities

I want to know you inside and out.
I want to know what sand feels like on your thigh.
or what the summer wind looks like as it rustles through your hair.
I appreciate simplicity,
I appreciate your skin.

I want to dive in.
I want to feel your cool.

Bluer Skis.

Where has my mother been?
To teach me how to love.
how to care, how to adore.
raised instead by a flickering light
from the box.
to the street light, shining on in the distance.
a constant constant.
tripping over my own two feet, trying to get home.
street lights, let me know im home.
street lights. my stars, shining, showing.
showing me the way home.
I am content.
I am still looking for a purpose.

Bible Studies Are Great Places To Pick Up Chicks.

I am drunk with this cursed tongue!
but still I cry out, to sing, to serve.
to plead endlessly for your praise.
I am waiting out the winds!
but still, I am not free.

My Senior Thesis Is About Ovaltine.

This strip of mauseleoms disgusts me.
diverging in these catacombs.
in the still of the night.

for what? to satisfy.
to fill us, to excite.
looking for anything, anything
to let us know we're alive.

is the life you want to lead unfit for this town?
escape, escape in plainview.
no one shall contest,
instead planning thier own pity party.

is the way you want to lead your life
not up to this towns accord?

escape, escape in plainview.
no one shall contest
let the interstate devour you up.
let the interstate lap you up like a beast.

All These Roads... they are Black.

think dull existence
think, not being allowed.
instead manufactured
fixed, grew.

your going to have your dreams.
but unless you leave, they wont mean
but instead, tonight, let us dance.

smoke stacks linger at the mouth of the beast
powering this damned machine.
and being our lighthouse to the world.

we were dully talking,
sipping coffee and exchanging pleasentries.
but the dust is seeping in now.
your eyes are being cut from seeing.
your mouth will be next.

a fitting ending.

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