Wednesday, January 31, 2007

An ode to Xanga

This was my youth.

My last two years of high school.

People commented here.

My exploits were well known.

It wasn't all about vanity, as myspace much is.

Can I say myspace here?

I met some good people here.

People that have had an impact on my life.

I got my hopes up, and crushed because of this.

This was my vehicle to express my feelings. My legacy was made through aid of this.

I met you here. I talked to you from here. I liked you because of this. I still like you. Why? I don't know. But i do. Its schweet though. Im never one for complaining.

Mars Volta OMFG ART.

I remember when Xanga thought they could charge people money, just so people could bold and underline font.

I've missed you. Please. chew through my eyes again.

Make me complete/

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